Welcome! Introduction of Animal Crossing! In Animal Crossing: the game revolves around the simple yet intriguing concept of simulating life on a deserted island. Upon arriving on the deserted island, players are given a tent and basic tools from raccoon entrepreneur Tom Nook and are then able to build their island as they please. The game offers an open-ended experience with no set goals or time limits. Instead, players can set their own goals and focus on exploring, creating, or just enjoying the relaxed pace of island life. Game Publisher: Nintendo Platform: Nintendo Switch Core Elements: Island customization and development: Players gather resources like wood, stone, and iron to craft furniture, tools, and decorations. Using the NookPhone , players can access DIY recipes to craft various items. As players progress, they can upgrade their tent to a fully customizable home and unlock terraforming abilities, allowing them to reshape the island’s landscape by creating rivers...